Thursday 14 April 2016

Review: The Bad Ones by Stylo Fantome

*****5 Stars*****
WOW my mind was blown away by this book. It will push the boundaries for many people but if you love dark reads then this will definitely satisfy your passion. This book deserves to be a movie as I felt like I was watching one as the story of Dulcie and Con unfolded and spiralled into the darkness.
Dulcie and Con are opposites in all walks of life but there is a deep seated hidden attraction between them and once they recognise that fact to each other things certainly don’t go as you would expect. I am still a little undecided who played each other the best out of the two or if they were as equal as each other. They definitely feed the madness and darkness in each other with catastrophic consequences each time for them and those around them. And be damned whoever got in their way or crossed them.
These are easily the craziest of characters that I have read and their story is compulsive reading. I have wanted nothing more than to go back and read this story again in case I missed anything and because I just want to absorb this story again. These characters will stay with you, Dulcie as she is so unlike most any other dark read female character in that she isn't the innocent swept away by the crazed madman, she feeds his dark soul. And Constantine, he is just addictive, as Dulcie found out as he called to the darkness in her and he will call to the darkness in you too.
I am not even going to touch on the story as this is a book that needs to be read blind and enjoyed for the crazy ride it will take you on. This is a fabulously written and constructed story that pulled me in and one that I highly recommend you read.
Reviewed by Vikki Ryan
Love isn't always bright and shiny.

Sometimes, it's dirty and wrong, buried six feet deep in a secret place where only wild things dare to go. Hidden behind a big black curtain that covers things no one should ever see.

Sometimes it happens between two people who should never be allowed to come together. One who is a match, and the other who just happens to be gasoline.

One strike is all it takes to burn the whole world down, and that's exactly what they plan on doing.

Even if it kills them.

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