Friday 25 March 2016

Review: The Fire Between High & Lo (Elements #2) by Brittainy C. Cherry

*****5 Stars*****
While this is the second book of the Elements series it is a complete standalone from the first book and characters we haven’t met before. The series seems to be linked by the titles rather than story.
Even after finishing this book I feel a need to hug Logan so hard and never let him go, from the start he is a pull on the emotions. Poor Logan really scraped the bottom of the barrel when it came to parents, his life is tragic and on a path to destruction with a drug addict mother and a drug pusher father and I seriously wanted to do them both harm. Using drugs was unavoidable for Logan and even encouraged by his parents. When Alyssa comes into his life she shows him there can be some light in his dark world but Logan fears he will eventually pull her into the dark.
Alyssa is the opposite of Logan in almost every way but even with a privileged life she too is lacking in the parent department and this is the bond that ties them together. As their friendship inevitably steps over into a relationship mistakes are made and misunderstandings lead to greater mistakes that in turn tear them apart. I hurt for both Logan and Alyssa and I hoped they would find a way through the mess and at first I was angry at Logan but he honestly thought he was doing the best for Alyssa in the long term. I loved Alyssa and thought she was a great character who never stopped chasing her own dream.
When Logan eventually returns for the wedding of his half-brother, tragedy and his old life are once again in his path and Alyssa once again becomes his crutch. However, Logan soon has to be the strong one for his brother and realises that he has to face up to his errors and those of others in his life to move on and be a better, stronger person. I loved the turnabout for Logan even though it had some low points along the way. And I loved the conclusion to Logan and Alyssa’s story.
I really enjoy books that raise so many emotions for me as a reader and this book certainly did that, I jumped from one emotion to another as I have come to expect from this authors work. The writing of this story is just beautiful, the push and pull of emotions between the characters and the balance of the words between them just made me feel those emotions all the more.
Reviewed by Vikki Ryan
There once was a boy, and I loved him.

Logan Francis Silverstone was the complete opposite of me. I danced while he stood still. He was quiet, and I was always running my mouth. He struggled to find a smile while I refused to frown.

The night I saw the darkness that truly lived inside of him, I couldn’t look away.

We were broken together, yet somehow whole. We were wrong together, but always right. We were the stars that burned across the night sky, searching for a wish, praying for better tomorrows.

Until the day I lost him. He threw us away with one hasty decision—a decision that changed us forever.

There once was a boy, and I loved him.

And for a few breaths, a few whispers, a few moments,
I think he loved me, too. 

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