Saturday 19 September 2015

Review: The End Game by Kate McCarthy

*****5 Stars*****
This is a college sports romance like no other. The End Game definitely made me feel more emotions than any other sports romance has in the past. It goes way past your typical college romance dramas and deals with the real life struggles and pressures of college students trying to keep up their grades while also trying to be their best out on the sports fields. That ominous prologue will keep you reading and trying to figure out what will happen to the very end. It's raw and heart wrenching, but at the same time, sweet and funny. It definitely leaves you with a rollercoaster of emotions and one hell of a book hangover once you are finished. This was definitely, hands down, the best sports romance I have ever read!!
Kate McCarthy writes in dual POV, but we start with Jordan Elliot, who makes her journey from Australia to Texas, to take on a soccer scholarship in her senior year of college. All she has ever hoped for was to play professional soccer and be the best that she can be, and she almost has it within her grasp. All she has to do is work and train hard in her schooling and soccer and she shall be selected for the upcoming Australian World Cup Championship. As if the pressures aren't already enough, one of her professors asked her to tutor a student in the little free time she has left for herself.
Brody Madden is one of Texas's rising football stars, and thought to be a 'God' on the football field. But Brody is battling the pressures of less than stellar grades, his overbearing and loveless father who needs to keep his perfect image in the world of politics, and all of Texas expecting him to always be the best he can be. What lengths will he go to keep up being his best? Will Jordan be the best thing that ever walked into his life or the reason he loses it all?
I have read Kate McCarthy's Give Me series, and while the two are so very differently written, I love her new book all the same! It was beautifully written and I cannot wait to read more from her, especially if it anything like how she wrote this book!
Reviewed by Ashley Ziegler
“Professional athletes are pillars of their respective communities. They are heroes in the eyes of boys and girls and are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that positively represents their community.”

The public loves a good scandal. Seeing someone fall from the pinnacle of success makes a great headline. No one knows that better than I do. What started out as a promising career in college football, spiraled into scandal and shame.

But being a hero is easier said then done. Especially when there are those who expected to see the great Brody Madden fail. I craved nothing except being the best—willing to do anything to prove them wrong. But I went too far, and I tried too hard, and it broke me.

“At the time of going to print, Jordan Elliott was unavailable for comment.”

I met Brody Madden in my senior year of college. An Australian native on an international scholarship, I was the female soccer sensation with stars in her eyes and no room for a hotshot wide receiver with a chip on his shoulder.

But a heart bursting with ambition and a driving fire to succeed isn’t made of stone. I became his strength, his obsession, and the greatest love of his life. Only I wasn’t there when he needed me most.

This is a story about love and a game that takes everything. Where the path to glory is paved with sacrifice. Where pressure makes you, or breaks you, and triumph is born in the ashes of failure. Where two people’s end game will change everything.
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